Dancing With All: The Ecology of Empathy

Dancing With All: The Ecology of Empathy

Excited to be part of Dancing With All: The Ecology of Empathy that will open on November 2, 2024 at the 21st Century Museum of
Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan.

The exhibition is part of the international symposium titled ‘Around New Ecologies: Finding the Rhythm to Dance With.’ that is alined with the theme “Art and New Ecology” that was set for this year by the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa.

“In an era where environmental sustainability is being challenged by excessive capitalism, artists, with their keen sensibilities, play the role of mediators who investigate and observe the emerging ecologies surrounding us, conveying these through new aesthetics.
From November 2, 2024, our museum will host the exhibition “DANCING WITH ALL.” To coincide with the exhibition’s opening, we will hold the symposium. In addition to a keynote lecture by Stefano Mancuso, whose ideas greatly inspired this symposium, there will be discussions among the exhibiting artists.
Art has the power to connect us through “empathy,” bridging the divides we experience via sensory learning. Furthermore, it explores the possibilities of discovering ways to live together, resonating with multiple forms of humanity—beyond human-centered thinking—by including animals, plants, and even inanimate objects.”

“We are surrounded by animals, plants, and all manner of other things that lie within our grasp. We have a desire to overcome the problems of the Earth as if we were dancing with all of the forms of existence that surround us. This year, the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa will hold this exhibition in response to the annual theme of new ecologies as it celebrates its 20th anniversary. Through the keen sensitivities and faculties of observation of artists, this exhibition will present the future of a comprehensive ecological theory with the capacity to take into account society and the psyche. In collaboration with scientists, philosophers, and other researchers who share the same vision, the exhibition will visualize a range of specialized content and imbue it with sensitivity, conveying it to viewers as a form of sensory learning. Artists and creators from Africa, North and South America, Asia, Europe, including those in remote areas, will gather in the space of the museum to share their wisdom on how to survive alongside life and living beings, as if we were dancing with each other. This vision that encompasses all things in Kanazawa, the birthplace of D.T. Suzuki, will serve as a platform for symbiotic relationships.”

More information about the exhibition here.
